Monday, May 7, 2007

Announcements for the Week of May 7, 2007

Announcements for the Week of May 7, 2007

All anglers are reminded that the new fishing license year began April 1, 2007. We are an official New Mexico hunting and fishing license vendor and have the new licenses available for sale now.

High Desert Angler's Dave Pehle and Norman Maktima both advanced to the national championships for the 2008 Team USA the weekend of April 28th in Cody, Wyoming. This bolsters the number of southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico Team USA members and really proves how good the fishing and fisherman of the southern Rockies are. High Desert Angler's Ed L'Heureux and his fishing partner Frank Smethurst, took First Place in the second annual Conejos Superfly Competition also held the weekend of April 27th through 29th. Congratulations to these expert fly fishers!

The next fly tying class will be on Saturday May 19th. Ed L'Heureux will teach this class on stonefly patterns to beginning or intermediate tyers. Class runs from 9am till noon. Cost of the class is $15, and advance registration is required. All tools and materials provided. Please bring your own tools if you have them. Stoneflies are the next major hatch on a few of our rivers local and in Colorado. Learn how to tie a few of the simple and effective patterns to increase your success out on the water.

Please get on our e-newletter mailing list for announcements of our next classes or keep visiting our Announcements Page. We are also interested in starting a Fly tying club that would meet week nights. It would be a great way to get anglers together, make a fishing buddy, and learn some new patterns. Please e-mail us and let us know if there is a demand for classes for people who can't or won't do a Saturday class or if a tying club is something you be interested in.

Spring time releases out of Navajo Dam began Monday April 30th. In anticipation of a potential early spring runoff, the peak release will occur earlier than in previous years. The release will be increased gradually over four days until the maximum release rate of 5,000 cfs is reached on Thursday, May 3rd. This release rate will remain at 5,000 cfs through Wednesday, May 16th. Then on Thursday, May 17th, the release will begin to be gradually decreased until it reaches 500 cfs on May 23rd.

Local conservation groups need volunteers! The Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited, New Mexico Trout, New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors, the Quivira Coalition and the U.S. Forest Service have an extensive list of projects to improve the health of our rivers and streams. These projects include fencing, trail maintenance, cattle exclosures and lake inventories. Again these projects are to improve the riparian health of our fisheries. Almost all of these projects are located near good fishing. Please, give some time to the cause of better fishing not only for you, but for your children as well. The following people are the contacts for these projects. Truchas Chapter; Art Vollmer 505-476-6004 or Dave Gratson 505-662-0707 x29, Jemez Ranger District; Derek Padilla, Amanda Webb, Chuck Dentino, Sean Ferrell, Mike Dechter, or Phyllis Martinez 505-829-3535.

The Department of Game and Fish will conduct roadblocks statewide through March 31, 2008, in an effort to collect harvest data and to apprehend violators of fish and wildlife laws. Department personnel may be assisted by other law enforcement agencies, including the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Police, and local Sheriff's Department officers. Hunters and anglers may encounter minor delays at the roadblocks. To report a violation, contact your local conservation officer or call the toll-free Operation Game Thief hotline at 1-800-432-GAME (4263). Callers can remain anonymous and earn rewards for information leading to the apprehension of wildlife law violators.

Santa Fe River Named “Most Endangered River” in America The Santa Fe River was designated as the “most endangered river” in the country by American Rivers, a Washington, DC-based advocacy group that announces an annual 10-most endangered list. The Santa Fe Watershed Association nominated the Santa Fe River for this designation. The report is not a list of the nation’s “worst” or most polluted rivers, but rather it highlights ten rivers confronted by decisions in the coming year that could determine their future. “Our river is at the top of the list this year because it is in a critical state, but also because there is a window of opportunity to restore it,” said David Groenfeldt, Santa Fe Watershed Association Executive Director. For more information, see recent articles in the Santa Fe New Mexican or and the Journal North

The annual Pecos River Cleanup will be on Saturday June 2, 2007. The newly formed Upper Pecos Watershed Association and the Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be leading a cleanup of what is arguably the most "loved to death" river in our state. Volunteers are asked to meet at Frankie's Cassanova Restaraunt at 8:30 am to register. The cleanup is from 9am till noon. A barbecue for the cleanup participants will be held immediately following at Cowles Ponds. New Mexico Game and Fish will also be holding a Kid's Fishing Clinic at Cowles Ponds that afternoon as well. Please save the date to give a few hours to the cause of better fishing and a healthier river. We will post more information as it becomes available.

Santa Fe River Festival June 2nd, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Frenchy’s Field Park. The first annual Santa Fe River Festival will be held on June 2nd from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Frenchy’s Field Park and we need your help. The Festival will be a celebration of the river with art activities, naturalist walks, science investigations, music, food, and educational booths, preceded by an all-river clean-up. If you would like to participate in this community event, please contact Pamela at Committees are forming for art, food/music, and volunteer coordination. The River Festival 2007 is sponsored by The Santa Fe Watershed Association, the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.

Saturday June 2nd is also National Fishing Day. All anglers regardless of residency, can fish this day with out a license, however all bag and possesion limits must be respected and Game and Fish will be out there to enforce bag limits. There will be a Kid's Fishing Clinic put on by New Mexico Game and Fish at Cowles Ponds that afternoon.

High Desert Angler's senior guide Norman Maktima is hosting a fly fishing trip to the Wind River in Wyoming and a day float on the Bighorn River in Wyoming July 3rd through July 7th 2007. Experience one of the last wild fisheries in the U.S. without the trek into the wilderness. Float down the Wind River for two days and cast big dries to huge browns, rainbows, and cutthroats, then fish the trico hatches on the Bighorn near Thermopolis. The cost is $1250 per person double occupancy (extra charge applies for singles). This includes two days of guided float fishing on the Wind River and one day's guided float on the Bighorn River, plus four nights lodging at the Holiday Inn of the Waters and Spa. The cost does not include Wyoming state fishing licenses, tackle, meals, or transportation to Thermopolis, Wyoming. Lunch will be provided on the fishing days. A presentaion by Norman Maktima will be given at the High Desert Angler at 6 pm on Friday March 16th. For more information call Norman at 505-470-0405.