Saturday, July 21, 2007

Announcements for the Week of July 16, 2007

Limited angling opportunities for Gila trout began July 1, 2007, in select streams in southwestern New Mexico that have been closed to fishing since 1966, when the Gila trout was first listed as a federal endangered species. The State Game Commission approved the changes at its March 2007 meeting in Las Cruces, based on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decision to downlist the Gila trout from endangered to threatened. The new regulations allow the Department of Game and Fish to open angling opportunities for Gila trout and open select streams that previously have been closed to all fishing. Everyone who fishes in Black Canyon and Iron Creek must have a Gila Trout Permit along with a valid New Mexico fishing license. Permits are free and will be available June 1 on the "Buy licenses online" feature of the Department website,

The Farmington Chamber of Commerce is holding their annual Bi-Fly Adult Fishing Competition on August 24th and 25th. Competition starts at 7 am both mornings. This is a fundraiser for local charites. For more information please call 505-324-5220. I will post more information as it becomes available.

Local conservation groups need volunteers! The Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited, New Mexico Trout, New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors, the Quivira Coalition and the U.S. Forest Service have an extensive list of projects to improve the health of our rivers and streams. These projects include fencing, trail maintenance, cattle exclosures and lake inventories. Again these projects are to improve the riparian health of our fisheries. Almost all of these projects are located near good fishing. Please, give some time to the cause of better fishing not only for you, but for your children as well. The following people are the contacts for these projects. Truchas Chapter; Art Vollmer 505-476-6004 or Dave Gratson 505-662-0707 x29, Jemez Ranger District; Derek Padilla, Amanda Webb, Chuck Dentino, Sean Ferrell, Mike Dechter, or Phyllis Martinez 505-829-3535.

The Department of Game and Fish will conduct roadblocks statewide through March 31, 2008, in an effort to collect harvest data and to apprehend violators of fish and wildlife laws. Hunters and anglers may encounter minor delays at the roadblocks. To report a violation, contact your local conservation officer or call the toll-free Operation Game Thief hotline at 1-800-432-GAME (4263). Callers can remain anonymous and earn rewards for information leading to the apprehension of wildlife law violators.