The new fishing license year started April 1st! New annual New Mexico state fishing licenses are avilable now. We also sell permits for the Jicarilla Nation (Stone Lake) and fishing there looks better than ever! Come in get a your new license, stock up on leader, tippet, and flies, and go fishing!
The Bureau of Reclamation will begin ramping up the release from Navajo Reservoir beginning May 9, 2008. The release pattern, duration, and magnitude for the spring peak release will follow operating criteria contained in the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program (SJRIP) Flow Recommendations for Endangered Fish. The release will be increased from 2,200 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 3,000 cfs on May 9th. The release will remain at 3,000 cfs until Friday, May 16th, when it will be increased to 4,000 cfs. The release will remain at 4,000 cfs until Friday, May 23rd, when it will be increased to 5,000 cfs. The release will remain at 5,000 cfs through Sunday, June 8th. Beginning on Monday, June 9th, the release will begin to be gradually decreased until it reaches 500 cfs on Friday, June 27th. At various times throughout the spring peak release, the release will be temporarily reduced in order to accommodate required inspections of the outlet works. These inspections are tentatively planned to occur on May 29th, the week of June 9th, and on June 26th. Additional notices will be provided in advance of each of these inspections. Adjustments may be made to the spring peak release duration if the inflow forecasts change. Reclamation will provide updates to the release schedule if any changes occur, and we will be sure to post that information here.
New Mexico Trout is seeking volunteers for some summer projects in their homewaters; the streams of the Jemez Mountains. These projects are all related to improving fish habitat, and are also located near good fishing. Pick a date, pack your fishing gear, and give back to our resources. Below is a list of projects, dates, and contacts. For more information contact Amanda Webb (505) 829-3535 of the Jemez Ranger District.
May 10th, 2008 : Annual BBQ! Upper Rio Cebolla Kiosk Installation; Upper Rio Cebolla gates and signage and three miles of fencing repair/maintenance.
Contact: Amanda Webb or Kimberly DeVall (kiosk) or Derek Padilla (fencing) (USFS)>
>June 21-22nd, 2008: Mushroom Basin Fencing Project.
Contact: Derek Padilla, USFS (505-829-3535)
>July 12-13th, 2008: Rio de las Vacas stream restoration and exclosure project.
Contact: Julie Walker, NMENV (505-476-3069)
>July 26th, 2008: 18th Annual Kid’s Fishing Day at the Seven Springs Fish Hatchery.
Contact: Kimberly DeVall USFS (505-829-3535)
>August 2-3rd, 2008: Rio de las Vacas stream restoration and exclosure project.
Contact: Julie Walker, NMENV (505-476-3069)
>September 27th, 2008: Oat Canyon Erosion Control and Stabilization.
Contact: Jo Wargo USFS (505-829-3535)
Mark your calendar! The Upper Pecos Watershed Association and the Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited will be hosting their annual Pecos River Cleanup on Saturday June 7, 2008. For more information contact Doug Jeffords at or 505-424-0644.
Cloudveil, makers of Gore-Tex waders and other fine angling apparel, is asking all anglers to “Take the Pledge”. Invasive species are impacting fisheries and recreational opportunities around the world. Anglers are inadvertently spreading invaders to new waters because they fail to properly clean their equipment. Don’t be part of the problem. Take these simple actions: Inspect your wading AND fishing gear for plants or dirt and remove, clean your gear with fresh water, dry your gear between outings. We encourage responsible wading. Support the clean angling pledge. For more information on invasive species, go to
There are some new products coming out seemingly every day to help combat the spread of invasive species. Many companies now offer wading boots with rubber (Aquastealth) soles. These soles aren’t porous like felt soles and are easier to clean. Net makers are making their net bags out of rubber or silicone. Like Aquastealth soles, rubber nets aren’t porous and are easier to clean, but they are also less damaging to fish and your flies don’t get snagged in the material. Help protect our diminishing resources. Come in and have a look at these boots by Korkers, Cloudveil and Simms or the nets by Brodin and Fisknat.