Please save the date for the Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited's annual banquet. It will be Saturday, March 21, 2009 at the Inn at Loretto. We were given the incorrect date of March 7th initially, so please note the correct date is Saturday, March 21st. The featured speaker is Dave Whitlock,so it promises to be one of the best banquets to date. We'll have more info on the banquet as we get closer.
The Department of Game and Fish is urging anglers and others who visit the Pecos River Canyon to take measures to prevent the spread of an invasive species of algae that could present many problems for the Pecos River and other state waters. The New Mexico Environment Department confirmed a bloom of Didymosphenia geminata in the Pecos River near Cowles in August. Commonly called "didymo," the single-celled algae's large, ugly growths on stream gravels have earned it the descriptive name, "rock snot." It is an aquatic nuisance species known to be transferred around the world on boats, fishing equipment and footwear. This is the second aquatic invasive species known to exist in the Pecos River. Whirling disease, a protozoan parasite that attacks the spinal columns of trout, is found in the Pecos River. Whirling disease also is known to "hitchhike" on unwashed fishing tackle and waders. To help prevent the spread of didymo and whirling disease, anglers and others are urged to check, clean, and dry any equipment that has been in contact with water. Please see the following websites on how to properly clean your gear and how to protect our local waters.,,, or for more information contact Brian Lang at New Mexico Game and Fish at, (505) 476-8108 or To review the New Mexico Invasive Species Plan, please visit the Department of Game and Fish Web site,
The Truchas Chapter of Trout Unlimited has started a Rio Grande Cutthroat Restoration Fund last year. The monies in this fund are to assist governmant agencies and non-profits like the Truchas Chapter and New Mexico Trout carry out specific Rio Grande Cutthroat restoration projects. Give the fly fisher on your gift list and give to our native fish. The High Desert Angler is lending support to the Truchas Chapter by carrying some great Truchas Chapter branded merchandise. These ballcaps and shirts look terrific and sport the Truchas logo. All money for merchandise sold goes into the Restoration Fund. Come into the High Desert Angler and have a look at this stuff and help the Truchas Chapter restore our native fish.