We Have a Winner!!!! With great honor and pleasure we are proud to announce our first annual youth photo contest winner Henry Kuchta!!! Henry lives up north of Questa with his little brother Joaquin, Dad Chuck and Mother Kathy. Chuck and their family friend Steve Hoxie have been hard at work teaching Henry the fine art of fly fishing and catch and release. They fish some area ponds and lakes. But really love to the Costilla, Latir Creek, Red River, Rio Grande, and the Culebra in Southern Colorado. Henry’s photo won him a Ross World Wide 476-4 Journey built just for kids!! Great job Henry, now that we know you can out fish Steve and your Dad, you are an honorary HDA Field Staff member as well!! Way to go, Henry!!!!
Phil Howes, the Department of Game and Fish conservation officer stationed in Pecos, has been named New Mexico Wildlife Officer of the Year, a prestigious award sponsored by the conservation organization Shikar-Safari Club International. Howes, 40, has been a conservation officer in Pecos for nine years, working with the community to promote wildlife management and law enforcement. His day-to-day duties include horseback patrols in the Pecos Wilderness, monitoring the Pecos bighorn sheep herd, and educating the community about coexisting with bears and other wildlife. "Phil's work with his local community and wildlife biologists has been greatly appreciated by all who have had the pleasure to work with him," said Chris Neary, the Department's Northeast Area Assistant Chief. "He is a great representative for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish." Howes earned a masters degree in Wildlife Science from New Mexico State University. Congratulations to Phil on this award, he is a very hard working officer and has a tough job keeping his assigned area safe while improving our state's wildlife.
Pecos National Historical Park hosts 3 miles of fishing opportunity along the Pecos River. Three fishing seasons have been established for 2009. The Fall season begins Thursday September 3rd and ends Monday November 2nd. They will begin accepting reservations for the Fall season beginning August 3. Anglers will be provided the opportunity to fish the Pecos River within the park Thursdays through Mondays; 8:30am-3pm in the Spring and Fall seasons. To make reservations to fish there, visit the Park's website at http://www.nps.gov/peco/planyourvisit/fishing.htm or call 505-757-7272.
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has stocked some Rio Grande Cutthroats into the Pecos River above the village of Pecos and into the Rio Grande Gorge. It'll be a cool thing to catch a Rio Grande Cutthroat, our state fish, in a place where they were once the only trout species. Take the kids fishing and your entry with their very first Cutthroat on a fly, in one of these beautiful places, could win them their very own fly rod! Remember that there is a reduced bag limit on cutthroat trout and really all cutthroat trout should be released immediately after being caught to protect our resource.