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The new fishing year began on April 1st. We have licenses available for sale here at the shop.
Norman Maktima, head guide at the High Desert Angler, and Team USA member, has moved the classes on loch style stillwater flyfishing techniques. The new date for the stillwater class is on Saturday May 8th. The first day will be a three hour classroom day with the on the water follow up the next day Sunday May 9th. The cost of this class is $200. The time and place for the fishing class day will be TBA. The Saturday classroom day is from 9:00 am till noon. Please contact Norman Maktima in the shop at 800-988-7688 to sign up or for more info.
No High Spring Peak Release this year on the San Juan River. The latest Water Supply Forecast for Water Year 2010 has been issued and the April through July inflow into Navajo Lake is forecasted to be at 89% of normal. Given this forecast, there will not be a spring peak release this year. It's a little unfortunate that the river won't see a scouring this year and flush out some of the accumulated sand and silt. The upside is that there won't be a dip in business for the San Juan guides. The high spring release often keeps anglers away despite the fact that fishing is very good during the event.