Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ed's Fly Fishing News for the Week of October 25, 2010

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! Learn more at

It's that time of year again. Time for brown trout to spawn and make more fish! Please be ethical and leave the spawners alone. Often they'll be found over their redd, paired up and doing the deed. These fish are absolutely off limits! Some of the fish that aren't actively spawning are found close by and are still eating, These fish are OK to target, but please limit your wading and never wade through a redd. A redd is a circular area of clean gravel usually found in the tailout of pools and runs. Enjoy the fall fishing, just do it in a manner that you'll be able to sleep at night.

The Valles Caldera National Preserve has extended the Fall fishing season on the East Fork and on the Rio San Antonio. There is new pricing and new times for this fall season. December 10th is the last date available for the year depending on weather and road conditions. See the Valles Caldera website at for more details.

Alot of price savvy shoppers know to buy skis in the summer and fishing gear in the winter. The fishing year has ended for many of the manufacturers we deal with. As a result, there are quite a few deals to be had on rods, waders, and wading boots. We are prevented from listing prices on boots right now, but we have many styles and prices to choose from. Please give us a call and we'll let you know what we got. Also check out Jarrett's List from our homepage.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ed's Fly Fishing News for the Week of October 18, 2010

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! Learn more at

The Valles Caldera National Preserve has extended the Fall fishing season on the East Fork and on the Rio San Antonio. There is new pricing and new times for this fall season. December 10th is the last date available for the year depending on weather and road conditions. See the Valles Caldera website at for more details.

Monday October 25th is the last date to fish on the Pecos River on Pecos National Historical Park. Anglers will be provided the opportunity to fish the Pecos River within the park Thursdays through Mondays, 8:30am-3pm in the Fall season. Call 505-757-7272 or see their website at for the details.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ed's Fly Fishing News for the Week of October 4, 2010

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! Learn more at

It's official!! Sage has announced a discontinuation of two of their rod lines. That means we can now offer them to you on sale at 30% off! Check out Jarrett's List on our homepage to see what's on hand and the prices!

We are overstocked on Korkers Swift Sandals and Korkers Torrent Shoes! Both of these are designed for walking around AND wet wading. If you've been in the shop before you'll know that Ed wears his Torrents every day. So to help our overstock problem, we are offering a free fishing sole with the purchase of a Swift Sandal or Torrent Shoe. They feature the OmniTrax interchangeable sole system that allows you to have a hiking sole, a felt sole for fishing, or Korkers own Kling-On rubber fishing sole. See how these soles work at

Jarrett’s List: This is turning out to be a real hit!! Keep checking both the Website and the rack in the store. I have more and more people either cleaning out there old gear making room for more new stuff or people looking to get in to the act without spending to much. This is a great way to get stuff for a friend, have back ups, or just find something new to you even if it’s old to someone else, come check it out!!