Monday, June 15, 2009

Ed's Fly Fishing News for the Week of June 22, 2009

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Now that summer is here, it seems that entries into the Youth Photo Contest have dropped off. We wanted to remind you that your daughter or son could be the winner of their very own fly rod by entering your children's photo in our contest. Here are the rules: fish must be caught and landed by child, fish must be caught with fly rod and artificial fly, fish must be caught this summer, and child must be 12yrs or younger. Send you’re photo to our email address at and put Youth Photo Contest in the subject line. Please limit your e-mail to one photo, but enter as many times as you want! So start shooting at every opportunity! By entering your photo you are allowing us to possibly use it on our web site. The HDA staff will be judging these photos. That being said, it’s not all about size, although it won’t hurt. Any species of fish counts. We want to see good times being had by the kids, good backdrops of where they were fishing, and massive fish catching grins!!! The prize will be a Ross Worldwide “Journey Series Youth Fly Rod,” either a blue rod for boys or a pink rod for girls. The contest runs through July 31st, and the judging and results will be announced August 1st!! Get the kids out this summer and have a great time.

Volunteers from New Mexico Trout conduct fly fishing clinics for youths on the Valles Caldera National Preserve. They are allowing up to 20 participants the opportunity to fish the headwaters of the East Fork of the Jemez River on the Preserve. Participants spend a half day learning about equipment, tackle, knots, stream insect sampling and identification. They will have time to practice their casting in the morning and then head for the fishing hole in the afternoon. Bring a lunch to enjoy along the stream and be prepared for weather. This activity is extremely popular, so sign up early. At the time of this post, there were only 6 spaces left for the June 28th clinic. This clinic is designed for youths, ages 8 – 16 years. The cost is $15 and reservations can be made by visiting the Valles Caldera National Preserve website at Parents are asked to drop youths off and come back at the end of the day.

Pecos National Historical Park hosts 3 miles of fishing opportunity along the Pecos River. Three fishing seasons have been established for 2009. The Fishing Program at Pecos National Historical Park had been suspended during the high water of spring runoff. The Summer season begins Thursday June 18th and ends Monday August 3rd. The Park will begin accepting reservations for the Summer season beginning May 18. The Fall season begins Thursday September 3rd and ends Monday November 2nd. They will begin accepting reservations for the Fall season beginning August 3. Anglers will be provided the opportunity to fish the Pecos River within the park Thursdays through Mondays; 8:30am-3pm in the Spring and Fall seasons. The Summer season will provide the opportunity to fish the Pecos River within the park Thursdays through Mondays, 8:30am-4:30pm. To make reservations to fish there, visit the Park's website at or call 505-757-7272.